Thursday, April 23, 2020

Argumentative Essay Topics About News Media And The Controversy Over It

Argumentative Essay Topics About News Media And The Controversy Over ItThe issue of argumentative essay topics about news media continues to be a contentious one. In other words, those writing about the news and current events continue to feel that there is not enough controversy in news events for it to merit discussion. Others feel that there are too many subjects with too many sides and the debate is going to rage on until the last news event has been covered.There are some who would agree with the argument that the topic of argumentative essay topics about news media is being monopolized by the liberal media and not enough attention is being given to conservative or libertarian perspectives. Those writing about the topic feel that those writing on the topic should make their point with facts rather than focusing on attacking the subject matter at hand.There are those writing about the topic, who believe that if there were less bias and objectivity in the media it would make this debate more civil. They feel that those who disagree with them on an article or opinion must provide an argument before they can believe they are correct. They feel that without valid arguments to support their point they will lose their arguments in the end.There are those who believe that the subject of argumentative essay topics about news media should be tackled head on. Their belief is that while the liberal media has a bias there is no question that there is also a strong support for the same arguments from the conservatives or libertarians. They feel that these two viewpoints have valid arguments that will win over the hearts and minds of those reading the essay or article.Those writing about the topic of argumentative essay topics about news media feel that they are the ones getting left out in the political debate. They feel that those writing about the topic will not make the same arguments as the liberal viewpoint, and therefore it is unfair to them to get this treatment. The argument on both sides is a classic example of how one's dilemma is oftentimes the same but is at times wildly different. However, they both end up in the same place - they are making the same points and trying to persuade the other side. The problems start when the debate degenerates into attacks and name calling instead of fact-based arguments based on facts.The debate over argumentative essay topics about news media cannot be resolved by those who agree with one of the viewpoints and those who do not. What is needed is a way to not allow each side to dictate the outcome of the debate by allowing each side to present its arguments and have its best arguments presented to those who disagree with it. When there is not a fighting chance, there is no reason to debate the issue.Perhaps, that is why the debate over argumentative essay topics about news media continues to rage on and how the topic has become so polarizing. The topic is too important and many people would like to see it end on a positive note. Perhaps, if it is not tackled properly, it can fester into a civil war between the liberals and conservatives or libertarians.

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